Busting Bedwetting Myths

Introduction – Welcome to our busting bedwetting myths series!

Bedwetting is a normal part of childhood. In fact, most parents will need to manage bedwetting with their children until about the age of five. One in three children still wet the bed at that age and some continue to do so into adolescence.

As you can imagine, this is frustrating and stressful for parents and children alike, but despite how common it is, many avoid talking about bedwetting. What’s worse, children become embarrassed and often feel they need to manage bedwetting alone.

Talking about bedwetting can be hard, but putting it off can make it worse

Unsurprisingly, children who continue to wet the bed beyond the age of five are more likely to have low self-esteem and avoid social situations like school camps and sleepovers. Some children rank bedwetting as the third most traumatic event in their lives – just after their parents’ divorce and their parents’ fighting.

While talking about bedwetting can be uncomfortable, not talking about it can make things worse. There are likely to be a number of reasons for why your child continues to wet the bed and understanding these by talking to a healthcare professional will help you and your child manage the condition and find a long term solution.

Separating fact from fiction can be a challenge

Search the internet for information about bedwetting and you’ll find all sorts of myths about why children wet the bed and how to help stop it. Dealing with bedwetting can be stressful enough without the added challenge of telling fact from fiction.

With this in mind, and to help discern truth from myth, we’ll be scrutinising five of the most common bedwetting myths in the series of articles below:

These articles will feature the latest information and recommendations from leading healthcare professionals. We’ll help you understand what does (and doesn’t) cause bedwetting and how you can help your child have a dry and comfortable night.

We’ve also created a checklist to help you discuss bedwetting with your doctor. Please complete the checklist and take it with you to your next appointment.


  1. Bedwetting Institute. 2016. Available online: http://bedwettinginstitute.com.au/fact-sheet/ (Last accessed 19 Sept 2016)
  2. Dobson P. 2006. Nursing Times.
  3. Bedwetting.com.au. Available online: http://www.bedwetting.com.au/ (Last accessed 19 Sept 2016)
  4. Cettina T. Parenting. Available online: http://www.parenting.com/article/how-to-help-kids-stop-wetting-the-bed. (Last accessed 19 Sept 2016)
  5. Hoffman M. Available online: http://www.webmd.com/children/features/bedwetting-causes#1. (Last accessed 19 Sept 2016)
  6. Boyse K. 2008. University of Michigan. Available online: http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/enuresis.htm (Last accessed 19 Sept 2016)
  7. Theunis M et al. Eur Urol 2002;41(6):660–667. doi: 10.1016/S0302-2838(02)00127-6
  8. Swedish Enuresis Academy. 2011.
  9. Van Tijen NM et al. Brit J Urol 1998;81(3):98–99
  10. Walle JV et al. Eur J Pediatr 2012;171:971–983
  11. Caldwell P. et al. MJA 2005;182:190–195
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*ranked by Healthcare Professionals for the management of bedwetting in children1
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1. Myint M et al. J Pediatr Urol 2016;12:112e1-112e6