It’s time to say
Goodnight to Bedwetting

Bedwetting can affect people of all ages, and it’s especially tough in situations such as school trips or sleepovers. The good news is, bedwetting can be treated! This site is packed with helpful information, tips and resources to help you and your family tackle bedwetting every step of the way.
Bedwetting can be treated
Bedwetting can interfere with social activities, relationships and performance at school¹. In addition, self-esteem may suffer.2,3,4 Bedwetting may be caused by several factors and it is encouraging to know that this condition can be managed in several ways.
Don’t give up – start a conversation with your doctor today.

How common is bedwetting?
It might reassure you to know that:

It’s really one of the most common of all childhood problems.1
Did you know that in a class of 30, children aged:
- 5 years – 5 wet the bed
- 7 years – 2 wet the bed
- 12 years – 1 wets the bed
- 15 years – 1 child in every 2 classes wets the bed
Bedwetting often runs in families1
If one parent had bedwetting as a child, there’s a 40% chance that their child will also wet the bed.
If both parents had bedwetting as children, there’s a 77% risk that their child will also wet the bed.

Won’t they just grow out of it?
Bedwetting often doesn’t resolve by itself – for some children, the problem continues into adulthood.¹
In fact, as children who still wet the bed get older, growing out of bedwetting becomes more difficult.¹
What causes bedwetting?
Bedwetting can be caused by one or a combination of the following⁴:
- Difficulty to rouse from sleep
- Overactive or ‘twitchy’ bladder
- Overproduction of urine during the night
It is important to seek medical advice to establish the cause of bedwetting as this will help determine the best treatment.

How can I help my child or teenager?
Be patient
Bedwetting can be caused by a number of factors beyond our control. So it’s very important to be patient and supportive and not to punish or scold your child, even though you may feel angry or tired.

Be reassuring
It’s easy to feel helpless or become discouraged while trying to become dry, so be as reassuring and understanding as you can.
Be proactive
If wetting the bed continues after the age of 6, you can discuss it with your doctor.

Helpful tips for sleepovers and school trips
Sleepovers and school trips can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for those who experience bedwetting. Here are some handy tips to manage the situation effectively.
- Ensure you have packed a torch or night light so the toilet can be used one last time before going to sleep.
- Brief a support person, such as a teacher, school nurse or parent at the destination. Don’t be afraid to speak to them about your concerns.
- Refrain from drinking hot chocolate, water and other fluids at least one hour before going to bed.
- Go over any treatment plans, and make sure everyone is comfortable with it.

Your doctor is there to help
To determine the right treatment for bedwetting, a doctor may consider factors such as:
- Diet and drinking habits
- Toilet habits
- Changes in stools
- Volume on normal urine passed
- Whether there’s a medical condition that might be causing the bedwetting
Complete the bedwetting checklist
Download, print and complete the bedwetting checklist, and take it to your doctor to discuss.
The information on this checklist will help you to start a conversation with your doctor and may also help your doctor to determine the cause of the bedwetting and the best treatment.